Celebrate the addition of a new little sweetheart with our It's a girl! Bouquet. Charming shades of pink and green are artfully composed through a mix of roses, carnations, lilies, and gerberas blooms. Designed and delivered by a local florist, this bouquet is perfect to welcome their bundle of joy.
Approximately 12 1/2" W x 14" H
Free Standard Delivery if you order online
A card message, teddy bear, and foil balloon included
The color of a teddy bear may vary
As Shown: Flowers will be arranged approximately as shown on the image on our website.
Deluxe: Flowers will be more and larger than shown.
Premium: Premium orders contain more blooms and are designed with even higher-quality flower varieties.
Royal: Impress them with this Royal size of your selected flowers. WOW factor!
Plant or dish garden upgrades feature larger (or more) plants than what is shown on the website and/or will be in a more decorative container.